Credit Cards Offer Funds Availability: If you are thinking about getting your first credit card, the first thing you should look at is whether or not the card offers funds availability. This will allow you to spend your money on things that you want, like a vacation or a car. It will also help to ensure that you will have the funds to meet any unexpected expenses that might arise.
BankAmericard Secured
If you are looking for a card that will help you build your credit, the BankAmericard Secured First premier credit card might be just the ticket. It offers a free monthly FICO score, as well as the ability to boost your credit line. However, it doesn’t provide a lot of additional features.
To use this card, you will need to be 18 years old or older and have a steady income. You will also need to make regular payments to the card.
While this credit card does offer a few useful features, such as a free FICO credit score and the ability to increase your credit limit, you will probably find other cards that are more cost-effective. One way to avoid the hefty fees is to opt for a card that offers a lower deposit. Another option is to use a cycling credit card.
Unlike a lot of other credit cards, the BankAmericard Secured First premium card doesn’t have a rewards program. However, it does charge a $10 fee for a foreign transaction, a 3% fee for a cash advance, and a $40 late payment fee. Moreover, it doesn’t offer an introductory APR on purchases or balance transfers.
This card is also not designed for a novice, and you will need to know how to manage your finances. For example, you can avoid the higher APR by making your payments twice or three times a month.
The BankAmericard Secured First premium card does not have a rewards program, and its FICO credit score may not be as impressive as some other options. In addition, its 0% introductory APR on purchases doesn’t last, and you will have to pay a fee to transfer your existing balance to the new card.
Discover It Secured
The Discover it Secured credit card is a good choice for consumers who are looking for a secured credit card. It offers a number of benefits, including no annual fee, no foreign transaction fees, and no fraud liability.
This card is also very easy to apply for. In fact, you can get the card within a matter of days. However, you will need to make a deposit. You can start with a $200 deposit and it will be matched by Discover.
After you’ve been a cardholder for a year, you’ll also be able to earn an additional 1% cash back on every purchase you make. If you can show that you use the card responsibly, you may be able to increase your credit line.
When you apply, you’ll also be able to get a free FICO score. The card will report to all three major credit bureaus, and you’ll be able to access your score monthly. As for rewards, you’ll be able to earn 2% cash back at gas stations and restaurants, and you’ll have unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.
Another benefit is that you’ll be able to receive free credit monitoring. Additionally, the card will help you remove personal information from certain people’s search sites. And, as a bonus, the card will also provide you with free overnight shipping on card replacements.
OpenSky Secured Visa
OpenSky Secured Visa is a card that is designed for those looking to rebuild or repair their credit. It is a type of secured credit card that reports to all three major credit bureaus but does not require a credit check. However, it has many shortcomings.
Although the OpenSky Secured Visa offers benefits and rewards, it does have fees and limitations. First, there is an annual fee, which can be up to $35, plus a 3% foreign transaction fee, and a $6 cash advance fee. Plus, there is a $38 late fee. There is also no introductory bonus and no rewards program. This means that OpenSky may not be the best option for those with good credit.
The initial credit limit on this card is higher than other secured cards. But, after the fee, you’ll have a credit limit of only $165. If you need a larger credit limit, you should consider other options.
The OpenSky Secured Visa Credit Card is issued by Capital Bank. It is based in Rockville, Maryland, and provides consumer banking services. They focus on digital products and personalized services.
To get the card, you need to open an account and put down a security deposit. The deposit can range from $200 to $3,000, and you’ll receive the money back once you close the account.
Although the OpenSky Secured Credit Card isn’t for everyone, it’s a good way to build or restore credit. In fact, 99% of OpenSky Secured Visa cardholders were able to restore their credit after six months. Besides reporting to the three major credit bureaus, OpenSky also has a credit knowledge base.
Indigo Platinum Mastercard
If you’re looking for a credit card for bad credit, the First Premier Indigo Platinum Mastercard could be a good choice. It offers low-cost access to credit and helps build a credit history. However, it also comes with a number of fees.
The credit limit on the First Premier card is low, so you’ll need to make small purchases every month. You can also expect a high APR. Plus, you’ll have to pay a fee when you make a cash advance.
If you want to get approved for the card, you’ll need to fill out a full credit application. You can also pre-qualify for the card. This isn’t a guarantee, but it gives you a general idea of the likelihood of approval.
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After you’ve been approved, you’ll need to make a payment within 85 days. If you don’t, your account may be reviewed. In addition, you’ll have to pay a $25 program fee.
Your card may also come with a foreign transaction fee. You can opt to use MasterCard ID Theft Protection, which covers your social security number and email address.
While the annual fee is low, it can be expensive if you carry a balance. In fact, if you have a bad credit history, you’ll probably end up owing an ongoing annual fee of $59 or $99.